paper city and bricks

paper city and bricks

Friday, 1 April 2011


Straight after the presentation and the collection was hanging back on the studio rails.
Alex was asked to design and make the costumes for Move it, a dance showcase in Earls court
bellow is the video, which involves dancing boys, gold painted boiler suits and leggings! 

The last 8 weeks

8 weeks ago I went to meet the giniuse that is Alex Noble! 
2 days later I was in the studio cutting, beading and sewing. 
22 Days and 2 weeks of little sleep, collection was ready! the LFW presentation in the crept, St Martins in the field was amazing the clothes looked stunning, the installation and music complimented it perfectly! it was worth all the time and effort that everyone had put in! 

Fabulous doesn't even beging to explain what  being apart of something like this was like.I am so grateful to be working so closely with somebody I admire.